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Homemade Almond Milk & Creamer

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  • Soak raw almonds overnight with a pinch of sea salt.
  • Rinse the almonds and place into the blender with the water (divide the nuts and use a total of 7 cups of water if you’d prefer almond milk)
  • Pulse until finely pureed. Try not to blend so long as to heat the blender.
  • Strain in a nutmilk bag or lined strainer and store!
  • Fresh almond cream is delicious and will last for about a week in the fridge. Freeze into cubes for perfectly portioned coffee creamer or for use in recipes and a longer shelf-life.
  • Separation is natural. Shake before using.


Tip: Hang onto the leftover pulp. It can be dried and run through food processor to create almond flour.