The Best Non-Toxic Car Seats (free from flame retardants) 2022

Knowing how to choose a flame retardant free car seat and what to look for when buying it can be a nerve-wracking process for any new parent.

Car seat safety is critical and they can be expensive, making this a really important decision. That’s why this is one of the longer and more detailed sections of our baby gear guide.

WHY CHOOSE A FLAME RETARDANT FREE CAR SEAT? Similar to the dangers of flame retardants in mattresses, car seats are equally concerning. Endocrine disruptors and other chemicals off-gassing are legitimately dangerous to the developing brain, body, and nervous system of a baby.

An infant car seat is the handle / bucket type of seat that clicks in and out of a car or adaptive stroller. As a rear-facing car seat, it is the safest position for your baby. At around the first year, (typically between 10-14 months old) your baby will outgrow this seat.

A convertible seat can be used rear- or forward-facing. You can use most types of convertible car seats from birth, but you may want to add a newborn insert if your seat doesn’t come with one. Many parents transition to a convertible car seat when their baby outgrows an infant seat. But starting with a convertible seat can be an economical and eco-friendlier choice since it limits the number of baby gear items you buy.

A booster car seat is the one you’ll have the longest. You’ll use it from the time your child outgrows a convertible car seat and until they’re big enough to fit an adult-sized seat belt. The booster seat transition is typically when your child is between 40 and 65 pounds.

WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR OLD CAR SEAT? First things first – do not donate or sell your used car seat if it is expired, recalled, or has been in an accident. But as long as you know the seat’s history, it’s fine to use for your next child.

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