Diverse voices and highly credentialed experts are always welcome in our community.
Green Child Magazine readers are looking for inspiration and advice — whether cutting edge or tried-and-true wisdom — on natural parenting, holistic health, conscious consumerism, and green living. You can help us educate and empower more parents through investigative features, listicles, hard news, and more.
If you have deep expertise in your field (particularly M.D., N.D., Ph.D. L.Ac., etc.) and have knowledge or a story to share, send it in. Our readers also enjoy learning about wellness journeys and transformative personal stories.
Guidelines for Guest Authors
- Send your article by email to our submissions team. Please send to us with “SUBMISSION” as the subject and include the title and the full text in the body of the email.
- When including links, please list the URL directly after the linked word or phrase.
- Source all health claims with links to peer-reviewed scientific papers and academic journals.
- Images are not required. However, if you have relevant, high-res images, we’re happy to include them. Please attach as jpeg files, along with photo credit.
- Include a 120-word bio with contact info, a headshot, and link to your website.
- If your article is informative, be sure to adjust your tone to the editorial nature of a magazine rather than the first-person style most common to blogging.
- If you’re sharing a personal essay, be honest and vulnerable. Inspire us with your challenges and triumphs.
If your submission is accepted, you’ll know within 2-3 weeks. Our editorial team will work with you to help tailor your work to our audience.
As the the contributor, you are responsible for ensuring your submission doesn’t violate any legal rights, copyrights, etc. Contributions should be original to Green Child and not have been published elsewhere online or slated for distribution on other sites. Once your work is published on our website, you agree it won’t be published elsewhere. Feel free to add the link to your portfolio and spread the word.
Publicity Requests
Our team doesn’t have time to respond to back link requests. We don’t accept articles from companies or media outlets looking solely to place links. For publicity or advertising content, please request our advertising + media options.