Getting Pregnant Naturally: Holistic Wellness & Fertility Tips

In our “instant everything” world, it’s not always easy to have the patience to handle things that are beyond our control.  So when we make the decision to have a baby, it can be frustrating and confusing when getting pregnant naturally doesn’t happen on our own terms.

The perfect conditions to make a human life are intricate. You can’t rush a miracle.  

But through diet and lifestyle changes – and a better working knowledge of natural fertility – you can make a huge difference in your overall health and likelihood to conceive.

Getting Pregnant Naturally: Holistic Wellness & Fertility Tips

Know Your Body

If you haven’t become familiar with your own cycle, now is the time to do so. Taking Charge of Your Fertility is truly the definitive guide to reproductive health. This book can help you navigate the fertility waters, whether you hope to conceive, avoid, or just become more familiar with your own body.

Ovulation Charting your monthly cycle, including the days of your period, ovulation, cervical mucus, temperature and more can help you pinpoint when the best time for sex is, as well as help with identifying problems if there are any present.

Charting is a great way to get to know your body, but it does require some discipline (there are apps to help with that!) Simpler methods like, using ovulation test strips or even Cycle Beads can help you identify your fertile days.

Keep in mind that while these simpler methods may help, they cannot give you a big picture look at your cycle. If you find that your cycle is erratic, short or long, you may want to chart to get a more detailed look at what’s going on. A “smart” fertility monitor, such as Daysy, learns and tracks your menstrual cycle on its own and makes charting simple with the help of an app. 

A Whole Health Approach to Getting Pregnant Naturally

Set yourself up for success by starting with a healthy, well-functioning body. Eating more organic vegetables and fruits while avoiding added sugars and processed food is key to good health. The following factors can also lead to greater odds of getting pregnant.

Sleep  Sleep is a natural hormone regulator. Women with low levels of melatonin and serotonin were found to have a shorter luteal phase (time between ovulation and menstruation). Take some time to wind down each night before bed. Instead of screens, read a book or enjoy lavender tea to help fall asleep and rest soundly. 

Nutrients Our soils contain less minerals and nutrients than they did a generation ago. Food-based prenatal vitamins, like New Chapter (Certified Non-GMO & Organic) & Rainbow Light, can help provide the nutrition your body will need to create and sustain a pregnancy. 

Teas – You can make your own tea with the recipe below, or purchase a pre-made organic fertility tea to help nourish your body.

Homemade Fertility Tea Recipe

Add 1 Tbsp. each of the following herbs:

Pour boiling water over loose herbs, let steep for 15-20 minutes and strain. Tea can be enjoyed hot, iced or frozen into ice cubes and blended into a smoothie.

For continued wellness, be sure to check out our teas for pregnancy as well.

Essential Oils  Organic plant oils take just 26 seconds to reach your bloodstream. Clary Sage & Frankincense essential oils are both helpful in balancing hormones.

These oils have also been helpful for relieving fibroids, cysts and other cervical issues. Apply to the bottoms of your feet, over your pelvic area, or take orally. Always use high quality oils. (Our editors have used Young Living Essential Oils since 2009.)

Yoga & Chiropractic – Restorative yoga reduces stress and helps to oxygenate the body. Plus it leads to overall relaxation, which is important when trying to conceive.  

There are also several postures to help balance hormones.  And don’t overlook the benefits of seeing a holistic chiropractor.  Nerves pass from the spine and pelvis on their way to the reproductive organs and lack of movement of joints of the spine or pelvis can lead to fertility or hormonal roadblocks.

More Water, Less Caffeine High quantities of caffeine have been linked to decreased fertility. For every 100 mg of caffeine you consume (i.e. the approximate amount in one cup of coffee or two cups of black tea) be sure to drink an additional cup of water to offset the diuretic effect of the caffeine. 

Vaginal Health for Getting Pregnant Naturally

You may not think of it, but the environment of your vagina is very important in the baby-making process. If the environment is hostile to sperm, your chances of conception can decrease drastically.

Sperm-Friendly Lubricants This is a great first step. You might be surprised, but even saliva can be hostile to sperm, along with most standard lubricants.

Choose a natural lubricant that well help the sperm reach their destination, like Coconut Oil or Olive Oil. If store-bought lubricant is a must for you, consider a product like Pre-Seed. Remember to be also be mindful of how you clean yourself. Douches and other internal cleaners can throw your natural pH off, so it’s best to stick with water.

Menstrual Cups Unlike other internal menstrual products, menstrual cups do not harm the vagina and do not create a hostile environment for sperm.

Tampons often contain synthetic fibers and harsh chemicals as the result of manufacturing. These fibers can be left behind that can cause micro-abrasions on the vaginal walls, dryness, and sometimes other more serious complications, like TSS. 

Consider switching to a menstrual cup for your overall health, but especially for getting pregnant naturally. Some cups (like the Instead Softcup) can be used to help hold sperm closer to the cervix after sex. For advice on finding the right menstrual cup, try this menstrual cup quiz

The Risks of Radiation When You’re Trying to Conceive

It’s worth knowing that there are risks associated with keeping a cell phone on your body – including documented cases of lower count / less mobility of sperm in men.  

In a study, 16 rats were exposed to two 3-hour periods of daily cellphone emissions for 18 weeks. Sperm extracted from the experimental group of rats showed that the majority of their sperm cells were dead, whereas most of the control group’s sperm cells were alive. The experimental group’s sperm also presented a slightly higher rate of deformities and were more prone to clumping.

To learn more about how fetuses and young children are especially susceptible, read Anne Michelsen’s research on what every woman needs to know about radiation.

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