Kids’ Guided Meditation for Patience
Patience is a useful virtue at any age. When you help your child cultivate patience, you offer them a skill that reduces frustration and disappointment. This guided meditation for patience is a great one to try when your child is antsy or having trouble being in the moment.

A comfortable, calming environment sets the tone for this guided relaxation. This script includes a countdown to help kids relax fully. Take your time as you read these words in a calm, even voice.
Follow your child’s cues and pause often to let the words sink in.
This patience meditation script is copyrighted by ShambalaKids and may only be used for in-person or live virtual reading. It may not be recorded for audio /video.
Meditation for Patience: The Serene Starfish
Find a comfortable position for your body and close your eyes now. Focus on your breathing and inhale as we count down from five together. Be sure to give a let out a big breath between each number.
Five – Inhale deeply. Relax your head and shoulders. Then exhale.
Four – Take in another breath. Let your chest and arms to feel soft and calm. Then let it all go.
Three – Now, soften your tummy area as you breathe in again. Let it fill up so full and hold for just a second or two. Then release all of that air from your belly.
Two – Inhale and let your legs feel heavy and loose now. Exhale again.
One – Fill your lungs up once more as you let your whole body completely relax. Then slowly let all of the breath out once more.
Notice how all of your muscles relax because you’re allowing them to release with your breathing.
Now, in the stillness of your mind, imagine you are a peaceful little starfish resting at the bottom of the ocean.
Feel your body soften as you settle comfortably into the sand. The water around you is warm and gentle, like a cozy blanket, swaying your back and forth in its gentle rhythm.
You’re in no hurry. When you need to move somewhere, you gently glide along using the little tubes along your feet. You CAN move quickly if you need to, but generally, you remain pretty still.
As you enjoy relaxing in this perfect environment, where it’s so easy for you to breathe in the water, something catches your eye.
Through the surface of the water above, you see sparkles shimmering in the moonlight. You allow yourself to slowly and gently float up… up… up… in no rush at all, until you are peeking just above the water.
In the night sky, you see the stars twinkling brightly, looking like tiny diamonds scattered across a dark, velvety blanket.
It’s amazing to realize that there are bright beautiful objects – shaped much like you – up in the sky. And similarly to you, they don’t zoom around with anywhere to go in a hurry. They just stay up there shimmering and twinkling, patiently in the sky.
A happy thought enters your mind. You realize that you are not just a tiny starfish in the vast, deep ocean. You are much more.
You are connected to the whole universe, to the stars in the sky and the moon. You feel a deep sense of peace and happiness, knowing that you are part of something so big and beautiful.
You are connected to it all. You are expansive and boundless.
You feel the light in your heart begin to shine. It connects with everything you see and feel. Your heart light dances in joy as it meets other stars, who are just other forms of you!
Take a moment to breathe in this feeling of connection and knowing. With each breath, feel more and more at peace. The light that surrounds you fills you with calmness and easy joy.
We often lack patience because we’re trying to force things to go our own way. But a greater understanding lies in our hearts and can guide us in every moment. All we must do is be patient and trust.
Whenever you feel in a rush or that you just can’t wait any longer, gently let your heart remind you that everything in life has the perfect timing.
Now, slowly float back down and bring your attention back to this room. Remember that you are always connected to the stars and the entire universe, and that you can come back to this peaceful place anytime you want.
Try saying these affirmations whenever you want to feel more patient.
I am patient, and I am calm.
Patience flows through me with every breath.
I trust that good things are on their way.
I am peaceful and serene.
When you are ready, slowly open your eyes, bringing with you the calm and happy feelings from your journey. You are a special starfish, connected to all that is, and you carry the light of the stars within you always.
After the Patience Meditation
If your child is still awake, now is the ideal time to talk about anything that came up during the meditation for patience. Is there any situation where they’ve been impatient? If so, talk together about how to apply what they learned as the starfish.
Maybe they want to talk about other animals that move slowly and patiently. You can try our Sleepy Sloth’s Bedtime meditation.
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