Montessori Education Options for Parents – Age of Montessori

When our youngest son was three, he started the primary program at an accredited Montessori school nearby.  Feeling more like a home than a school, it sits on a 6-acre farm with sheep, chickens, cats… and occasionally the principal’s dog.

We were only a little familiar with the Montessori Method when we chose the school. Mostly we loved the environment and the principal.  But after our very attached preschooler settled in, we came to understand what a remarkable learning environment it is.  So much that we started the process of moving our oldest from public school to the Montessori program.

They’ve enjoyed and excelled at school during these important years.  With community service projects like volunteering at the local Humane Society, running a business with the school’s breakfast sale, and the day-to-day practical life skills they’ve learned — it’s no surprise to learn that the founders of Google and Amazon were Montessori kids!

Montessori Education Options for Parents - Age of Montessori

We’ll soon be making the decision where to send our oldest for middle school. Distance is our main issue.  The Montessori middle school is 30 minutes away, while the public school is just down the street.  Of course, money plays a part in the decision as well.  But thanks to the kind and helpful people at Age of Montessori, we’ve found a wonderful way to supplement our son’s education should he go back to public school.

Supplemental Montessori & Affordable Alternatives to Private School 

Age of Montessori offers solutions to parents who are looking to homeschool or supplement their child’s education with the Montessori Method. They believe to maximize the benefit of Montessori schooling, the home should also follow the method by ways of respecting the person inside the child, allowing independence and a prepared environment. That’s why they’ve created a free webinar series… to help parents who are living the Montessori way in their homes. Parents who complete their course gain a full understanding of the true message of Dr. Montessori as well as the know-how to bring the method into the home.

It can take a full second income to send three children to school. For families who can’t afford private school tuition, the alternative is public school with an emphasis on a stable, open, respectful environment at home.  If a child is having trouble with a concept, the parent will be aware of the phase of learning their child is in and can provide intuitive support at home.

Another valuable resource is the Professional Development webinar series, featuring 2-hour, in-depth webinars. At just $50 for individuals or $150 for a group with no maximum limit, these programs are incredibly affordable. Although teachers can use these for continuing education units, the information is also useful to parents and grandparents.

Accreditation Training

The people at Age of Montessori believe teachers have one of the most noble careers as the educators of our children.  But with the bureaucracy involved, this noble profession can disintegrate into an endless mass of lesson plans. Their teacher certification course is designed to give all teachers, new or experienced, the full picture.  The training provided by the Age of Montessori is MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) accredited.

Success Stories

“Only since participating in this online-course have I begun to understand it is the child who is the teacher and not the other way around. It is the child following the course of nature, and not the adult’s will, that is the true driving force.”

~ P.M., Johannesburg, South Africa

“My child, who has ADHD and dysgraphia, was in tears every day at his traditional school until we moved him to a private Montessori school 3 years ago, where he continues to thrive. He is happy, confident, industrious, and kind. He has many friends, loves to act in class plays, and willingly works with his teacher’s guidance and support to overcome his attentional issues. He is motivated, passionate about issues of fairness and equality, and a lover of the environment.”

~ Anonymous

“I like to understand how to remove the hindrances within me and the child that blocks the flow of growth and life.  I can see that there is so much more understanding and wisdom to be gained in this course and I am so grateful to partake in it.”

~ M.M., Bloomington, Minnesota

If you’d like more information on Montessori training for homeschool or to supplement what your child is learning at school, visit the resources page at Age of Montessori.  Or to find out if becoming a Montessori teacher is right for you, call the registrar for more information.

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  1. Thanks for your comment, Kelsey! It’s great to hear that you’re using a floor bed with your todlder! I haven’t talked with anyone about a situation similar to yours, although it could work very well to have a baby and todlder in the same room. It all depends on how your children handle the situation, so you’ll probably have to play it by ear a bit.I did have a large portion of the room where my baby’s floor bed was partitioned off to create a safe space for the baby. I don’t know if something like that would be helpful for you. Here’s another post with a bit about it: .Deb recently posted..

  2. Tani Kingston says:


    Thank you so much for publishing this article. We are always listening to parents and teachers to find out what are the most important topics that they want us to present in our forums, newsletter and webinars. We always invite their feedback. We invite any one to call us anytime at 406-284-2160.

    Thanks again,
